Eyebrow Tattoo Removal

Laser Eyebrow Tattoo Removal Elipsa Basingstoke

laser eyebrow tattoo removal elipsa

Eyebrow Tattoo Removal

Are you tired of living with an unwanted eyebrow tattoo? At Elipsa, I can help with removing a tattoo that no longer aligns with your desired aesthetic. That's why I offer advanced eyebrow tattoo removal treatments to help you restore your natural beauty and regain your confidence.

Eyebrow tattoo removal is a specialized non-invasive treatment that utilises cutting-edge laser technology to safely and effectively remove unwanted or faded eyebrow tattoos. I amdedicated to providing personalised care and tailored treatments that address your specific needs, ensuring the best possible results.

So, how does eyebrow tattoo removal work? The state-of-the-art Diode laser emits a specific wavelength of light that targets the pigment in the tattoo. The laser breaks down the tattoo pigment into smaller particles, which are then naturally eliminated by your body's immune system. This gradual process leads to the lightening or complete removal of the tattoo, allowing you to achieve a more natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Why should you choose Elipsa for your eyebrow tattoo removal journey?

Personalised Approach: We understand that each individual's eyebrow tattoo is unique, and I believe in providing personalised treatments tailored to your specific needs and goals. I take the time to assess your tattoo and have detailed discussions about your expectations, ensuring a customised approach that delivers the best possible outcomes.

Safe and Effective: Your safety is my top priority. Our advanced laser technology is both safe and effective, providing precise targeting of the tattoo pigment while minimising the risk of scarring or damage to the surrounding skin. With Elipsa, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are in the hands of an experienced professional who prioritises your well-being.

Minimal Downtime: I understand that life can be busy, and you may not have the luxury of extended downtime. Unlike other tattoo removal methods, eyebrow tattoo removal using laser technology requires minimal downtime. After the treatment, you can typically resume your daily activities soon, allowing you to conveniently fit the procedure into your schedule without disruption.

Natural-looking Results: My ultimate goal is to help you achieve natural-looking results that seamlessly blend with your skin tone and facial features. I  have the artistic eye and technical skills to ensure that the end result is a beautifully transformed set of eyebrows that you can proudly showcase.

When you embark on your eyebrow tattoo removal journey at Elipsa, you can expect a comprehensive and professional treatment process. I will guide you through each step, ensuring that you are fully informed and comfortable throughout the entire procedure. We will evaluate the size, color, and depth of your tattoo to determine the number of treatments needed for complete removal. Multiple sessions are often required to achieve the desired outcome, as every tattoo and individual responds differently to the treatment.

Wondering if eyebrow tattoo removal is suitable for your skin colour? Rest assured that the advanced laser technology allows me to effectively treat a wide range of skin colours. Whether you have fair or dark skin, I will assess your skin type during the consultation to determine the most suitable treatment approach for you.

After the treatment, it is crucial to follow the provided post-treatment care instructions for proper healing and optimal results. This may include avoiding sun exposure, applying a healing ointment, and keeping the treated area clean and protected. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth recovery and long-lasting results.

While the longevity of the results may vary from person to person, with proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy the benefits of eyebrow tattoo removal for years to come. I will provide you with expert advice on how to maintain your tattoo-free eyebrows and optimise the longevity of the treatment results.

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Can eyebrow tattoo removal be performed on all types of eyebrow tattoos?
Absolutely! The advanced laser technology can effectively target and remove various types of eyebrow tattoos, including microblading, ombre brows, and traditional tattooing.

Are there any side effects of eyebrow tattoo removal?
While side effects are rare, some individuals may experience temporary redness, swelling, or mild irritation in the treated area. These effects are generally mild and subside within a few days.

Can eyebrow tattoo removal completely remove the tattoo?
In most cases, eyebrow tattoo removal can significantly lighten or completely remove the tattoo. However, it is important to have realistic expectations and understand that complete removal may require multiple sessions.

Can I undergo eyebrow tattoo removal if I have had previous tattoo removal treatments?
Yes, previous tattoo removal treatments do not necessarily exclude you from undergoing eyebrow tattoo removal.

Can I undergo eyebrow tattoo removal if I have had previous tattoo removal treatments?
Yes, previous tattoo removal treatments do not necessarily exclude you from undergoing eyebrow tattoo removal. However, it is important to inform our team about any previous treatments you have had, as it may affect the overall treatment plan and expectations


Is eyebrow tattoo removal a painful procedure?
While individual pain tolerance may vary, most clients describe the sensation during eyebrow tattoo removal as similar to the feeling of a rubber band snapping against the skin. However, to ensure your comfort, a topical numbing cream can be applied prior to the treatment to minimise any discomfort.

How long does each eyebrow tattoo removal session take?
The duration of each session depends on various factors, including the size, color, and depth of the tattoo. Generally, a session can range from 15 to 45 minutes. During your consultation, I  will provide you with an estimate of the treatment time based on your specific tattoo.

How many sessions are required for complete eyebrow tattoo removal?

The number of sessions needed for complete eyebrow tattoo removal varies from person to person. Multiple factors, including the size, color, and depth of the tattoo, as well as your skin type and response to the treatment, will be taken into consideration. On average, most clients require between 5 to 10 sessions for optimal results.

Are there any specific aftercare instructions I should follow?
Yes, following proper aftercare instructions is crucial for optimal healing and results. I will provide you with detailed post-treatment care guidelines, which may include avoiding sun exposure, refraining from touching or scratching the treated area, and using recommended skincare products. It is important to follow these instructions to minimise the risk of complications and ensure the best possible outcome.

How soon can I see results after eyebrow tattoo removal?
Results may vary depending on various factors, including the tattoo's characteristics and your body's response to the treatment. Typically, you will start to notice gradual lightening or fading of the tattoo after a few sessions. However, complete removal may take several sessions to achieve. I will monitor your progress throughout the treatment to ensure optimal results.

At Elipsa, I am committed to providing you with exceptional care and delivering the best possible results in eyebrow tattoo removal. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards transforming your eyebrows.

Additional Treatments

Laser Tattoo Removal

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Laser Acne Treatment

Target and eliminate acne-causing bacteria. Achieve clearer and healthier skin.

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Laser Cellulite Treatment

Laser technology to target and reduce the appearance of cellulite. 

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